Former Lithuanian PM proposes creating “Ukrainian Ministry” in government

Former Lithuanian PM proposes creating “Ukrainian Ministry” in government

Lithuanian MEP Andrius Kubilius, who has twice served as prime minister, has proposed the creation of a ministry or other institution within the Lithuanian government that would coordinate assistance to Ukraine.

Source: European Pravda, citing Kubilius at the Lithuania-Ukraine conference on 9 February, quoted by Ukrinform

Kubilius recalled that the European Commission established its Department of Ukraine – the Ukrainian division of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement – as far back as 2014.

“We understand why this is done: talks, reconstruction, and so on. This agency will help consolidate and coordinate all this,” the MEP added.

“If Ukraine is our ‘plan of the decade’, then we [Lithuania – ed.] need a ‘Ukrainian Ministry’. Well, maybe not a ministry, but an institutional arrangement that will work in the same area. We will try to put these plans into action,” he explained.

Kubilius also stressed the need for ongoing continuous military support for Ukraine, calling for a collective agreement in the European Parliament to allocate 0.25% of GDP from each state for this purpose.

According to Ukrinform, attendees at the international Lithuania-Ukraine conference discussed support for Ukraine from Lithuania and its experience and prospects, focusing on four areas: humanitarian and military support, aid to support Ukraine’s recovery, and Euro-Atlantic integration.

Background: A new military aid package from the Lithuanian Ministry of National Defence arrived in Ukraine on Friday, 9 February.

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