Poland counters Putin’s historical distortions, debunks claims in Tucker Carlson interview

Poland counters Putin’s historical distortions, debunks claims in Tucker Carlson interview

The Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has responded to Russian dictator Vladimir Putin’s pseudo-historical claims presented in an “interview” with American propagandist Tucker Carlson on Feb. 9.

They’ve published ten points refuting Putin’s fabrications.

During the two-hour conversation, Putin falsely portrayed Ukraine and Ukrainians while labeling Russia as the aggrieved party in the war.

Read also: Tucker Carlson’s interview with Vladimir Putin echos propaganda of past Moscow fellow-travelers

Putin’s claim that Poland “collaborated” with Nazi Germany and “forced” Hitler to attack in 1939 is debunked by Warsaw, which explains that Polish diplomacy sought normal relations with Germany and rejected Hitler’s proposals.

The Ministry clarified that the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, signed between Nazi Germany and the USSR, led to the attack on Poland.

Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski refuted Putin’s claims about Ukraine’s origins and Ukrainian identity, labeling them as “paranoid justifications” for the war against Ukraine.

Read also: Russia is invincible — Putin tells the West in contrversial Carlson interview

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